European Organization for Quality

Your way to the EOQ certificate

Your benefits of EOQ certificates

If you have an EOQ Certificate, you will be part of the growing circle of more than 50,000 experts that have knowledge in the field of quality, environmental and OH&S (occupational health and safety) management, which is recognized all over Europe. For Certificates issued by the European Organization for Quality are valid in almost all the European countries and correspond to Certificates acknowledged federally - just as qualityaustria Certificates on a national scale.

Better job opportunities

At international job applications, an EOQ Certificate proves to be an effective door opener. Even for the national career, the renowned European Certificate demonstrates that its holder thinks globally and is motivated to grow beyond limits.

Approved certified knowledge at EU level

The background for the EOQ Certificates is harmonization of training contents and conduct of examinations in the European EOQ member states through the specification of European "Certification Schemes". For multinational companies, in particular, it is advantageous if system managers in different subsidiaries have the same training Level.

EOQ at a glance

  • There are more than 50,000 EOQ Experts in Europe.
  • EOQ Certificates are recognized in almost all European countries and on an international scale.
  • EOQ Certificates can directly be obtained via Quality Austria.
  • A European-wide network is enabled by the EOQ Database.
  • An EOQ Certificate is a door opener for an international career.
  • The EOQ world is characterized by global thinking, which goes beyond borders.
  • Training contents and the conduct of examinations are harmonized.
  • An Identity Card will be issued as a document promising a high reputation.
  • EOQ Congresses are organized every year.

The European Organization for Quality (EOQ) is an independent non-profit association according to Belgian law. EOQ understands itself as the European interdisciplinary organization striving for effective improvements in the field of quality management by providing for European coordination and harmonization of competence certifications and coordination among the single members. EOQ was established in 1956 and presently has more than 30 national European quality organizations as well as institutions, companies and individuals from all over the world.

In Austria, Quality Austria is your direct link to the "European Certificate".

Quality Austria is the only Austrian training and personnel certification body to be entitled to issue EOQ Certificates. As a holder of an EOQ Certificate, you will have access to a European network of experts from different disciplines in many different countries. The central EOQ Database or the worlwide IPC (International Personnel Certification), which Quality Austria is actively working in, any desired contact throughout Europe can be established. This advantage is being used by companies active on an international scale more and more often if these companies have sensitive customer-supplier relationships where the factors of quality, environment or safety play a central role, such as in automotive industry.

Quality Austria is involved in European and international standardization bodies and is actively involved in the EOQ designing, to position Austrian concerns at European Level.

Your way to the EOQ certificate

A valid qualityaustria Certificate as well as demonstrable workplace experience in the corresponding field are compulsory prerequisites for obtaining an EOQ Certificate. It is a question of a Competence Certificate, which certifies a person’s theoretical knowledge just as much as his or her practical experience.
Filing applications
The applications for EOQ Certificates will have to be addressed to Quality Austria. These applications will be sent along with each national Certificate that has been newly issued or prolonged. Furthermore, they are available on-line at The issuing fee amounts to € 65 (exclusive of Value Added Tax). Customers submitting applications for EOQ Certificates via qualityaustria Partner Organizations will pay the fees of the respective partners. A processing period of about one month needs to be expected. EOQ Certificates and the commensurate Identity Cards will be sent to the private address along with the invoice.
Depending on the underlying certification programme, a Certificate issued by the European Organization for Quality will be valid for three to five years. Upon expiration, new issuance can be applied for. In this case, it will, once again, be necessary to demonstrate compliance with the requirements.
Identity Card
As a holder of an EOQ Certificate, you will automatically obtain an Identity Card that is issued by EOQ and has the practical format of a credit card. This card serves as official evidence of qualification, which implies a high reputation.        

Application for EOQ Certificate


Upon request the following international certificates can be acquired:

* Hint: For qualityaustria Certificates with the Status "Candidate", EOQ Certificates with the Status "Junior" can be applied for.

Integrated Management System

Integrated Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety System Manager

  • EOQ Integrated Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety System Manager

Quality Auditor

  • EOQ Quality Auditor (*Junior)

Environmental Auditor

  • EOQ Environmental Auditor (*Junior)

Occupational Health and Safety Auditor

  • EOQ Occupational Health and Safety Auditor (*Junior)

Quality Lead Auditor

  • EOQ Quality Lead Auditor

Food and Safety Auditor

  • EOQ Food & Safety Auditor

Environmental Lead Auditor

  • EOQ Environmental Lead Auditor

Occupational Health and Safety Systems Auditor

  • EOQ Occupational Health and Safety Lead Auditor

Process Manager

  • EOQ Process Manager



Quality Operator

  • EOQ Quality Operator

Quality Assistant

  • EOQ Quality Assistant

Quality Management Representative

  • EOQ Quality Management Representative (*Junior)

Quality Manager

  • EOQ Quality Management (*Junior)

Laboratory Quality Manager and Assessor

  • EOQ Laboratory Assessor
  • EOQ Laboratory Quality Manager



Environmental Management Representative

  • EOQ Environmental Management Representative (*Junior)

Environmental Systems Manager

  • EOQ Environmental Manager (*Junior)


Occupational Health & Safety

Occupational Health and Safety Management Representative

  • EOQ Occupational Health and Safety Management Representative (*Junior)

Occupational Health and Safety Systems Manager

  • EOQ Occupational Health and Safety Manager (*Junior)


Food Safety

Food Safety System Manager

  • EOQ Food Safety Manager (*Junior)


Health, Social Services and Health Tourism

Quality Management Representative in Healthcare

  • EOQ Quality Management Representative in Healthcare (*Junior)

Quality Manager in Healthcare

  • EOQ Quality Manager in Healthcare (*Junior)

Risk Manager in Healthcare

  • EOQ Risk Manager in Healthcare


Risk and Security

Risk Manager

  • EOQ Risk Manager


Social Accountability (CSR)

Social Responsibility Manager

  • EOQ Social Responsibility Manager

Social Responsibility Auditor

  • EOQ Social Responsibility Auditor


Excellence (EFQM)

TQM Assessor

  • EOQ TQM Assessor


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