- Are you facing the decision to introduce improvement methods and philosophies from the method kits of Lean or Six Sigma or a combination thereof within your organization?
- Do you want to know how a procedure and/or training programme tailored to your needs might look?
- Or have you established such methods as Lean or Six Sigma and would you like our independent industry experts to estimate where there are weak points and opportunities for improvement so that your programme can be optimized?
The BEST-Check is the ideal tool for sounding out your planned or existing improvement initiatives.
Motivation and benefits
- evaluation and analysis of potentials of your improvement programme
- suggestions for useful supplements and extensions
- suggestions for possible ways of implementation
(e.g. projects or tailored training contents)
Target group
Production Managers, Quality Managers and Representatives, persons responsible for Lean/Six Sigma
- mindset: corporate culture as a basis
- leadership: vision/goals, roadmap, organizational structure, indicators
- fields of potential in organizational processes
- putting into daily practice: 5S, PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act), meeting boards, Kanban, visual displays, team meetings, ...
- projects/CIP (Continual Improvement Process): methods, tools, duration, degree of penetration, change management, ...
- competence: skills, training, coaching, ...
- results: internal and external results, sustainability, redundancies, …