OQA Zertifizierungs-GmbH is accredited by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) as a Certification Body for Products acc. to ISO/IEC 17065 (Exception: GRL 06 Doctor´s Offices).
For certification and issuance of the Austria Quality Seal, the respective Quality Guideline and the General Terms and Conditions apply.

The accredited Austrian Quality Seal is awarded to organizations and companies that have been tested by OQA experts on the basis of applicable quality guidelines and have been certified by the OQA. In the course of the evaluation, OQA experts will indicate success factors and improvement potential that will guarantee the applicant optimized structures, processes and procedures as well as quality enhancement in the provision of services.
The Austria Quality Seal for Doctor´s Offices considers the orientation towards the needs and rights of patients. The focus is on people; not only medical care is important; also, patient safety, interdisciplinary coordination, and service quality are fundamental concerns. Austria Quality Seals build the basis for increasing quality awareness and continual improvement.
With the Austria Quality Seal for Doctor´s Offices, OQA addresses all resident doctors.
The Austria Quality Seal is focused on patient-oriented Doctor´s Offices and on overall quality of care, and thus providing proof of high service quality – with humans in the center of attention. The Quality Seal furthermore serves as a guideline for patients providing support in selecting adequate health partners and conveys a feeling of being well taken care of. In addition, patients are supported and encouraged in their own responsibility for health.
Employees in medical practices are actively involved and experience the importance of their work more consciously. Ideas and measures for improvement are generated whereby creativity and problem-solving skills are sustainably promoted.
Satisfied patients and motivated employees are the utmost benefit for Doctor´s Offices awarded with the Quality Seal. Furthermore, Doctor´s Offices bearing the Quality Seal are allowed to use the seal in active advertising and public relations (e.g. in print forms, websites, door plates etc.) and thereby increase their degree of awareness and reputation. Another benefit that comes along with the Seal in the long term is the continual improvement of services and the opportunity to implement a quality management system for the entire Doctor´s Office.
Compliance with legal requirements and employment of qualified and trained personnel with clearly assigned responsibilities, as well as appropriate technical and medical equipment, including its servicing and maintenance are prerequisites.
In addition, compliance with the Quality Guideline requirements must be ensured during validity of the certificate.
Basis is the Quality Guideline GRL 06 „Doctor´s Offices“. This Quality Guideline consists of legal issues, organizational and structure requirements, as well as medical-organizational processes and results.
- Notification requirements
- Execution authority
- Contracts with insurance companies
Organization & structure
- Responsibility
- Education and training
Medical-organizational procedures
- Privacy
- Transparency
- Information
- Documentation
Requirements for the results
- Compliance
- Management of interfaces / junctions
- Complaint management
Initial audit
- Preliminary examination (questionnaire)
- Main audit on-site (acc. to the Quality Guideline)
- Inspection and surveillance report
- Certificate (Validity period: 2 years)
Recertification / renewal audit
- After 2 years
- Scope and procedure as with initial audit
- Inspection and surveillance report
- Certificate (Validity period: 2 years)