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ISO 29990: Learning Services for non-formal Education and Training – basic Requirements for Service Providers
ISO 29990:2010 is an International Standard for providers of training and further training. It offers a certifiable and state of the art Standard according to ISO requirements for Management Systems. The Standard addresses – for the first time with international validity – all types of educational institutions.
This includes single trainers, private seminar providers, organizations providing further training with courses, curricula and internal training as well as further training up to higher educational institutions and universities. The Standard has some congruent features with other management systems, above all with ISO 9001.
ISO 29990 is basically subdivided into two areas: learning services (for example, these services include designing, providing and monitoring of learning services) and management at the learning service provider for example business planning, financial management, risk management as well as human resources management. This Standard is the first Standard for learning providers that is valid and applied on an international scale. The advantages for learning providers are transparency of their own services, international comparability and defined processes for quality assurance. The qualityaustria certificate is an objective demonstration of conformity, creating confidence for learners and other interested parties in the ability of the organization to achieve quality throughout the learning process.
- assuring quality, transparency and comparability in educational institutions
- creating a generic quality model for professional practice and rendering of services
- focusing on competence of the teaching staff and of the organisation
- all educational institutions - from the single trainer via private providers of seminars and courses, internal training and further training to academies and university institutions providing non-formal education and training
Regarding human resources management the teaching provider will have to define, assess and further develop clear competence profiles for the employees. Feedback loops and a complaints management process are required. The management system acc. to ISO 29990 enables systematic further development of the organization, including process optimization. Internal and external audits are supposed to support this development.
ISO 9001, EFQM