Industrial Cooperation and Creative Engineering Education based on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation


Today we would like to present the following EU-funded project.

The overall objective of this EU-funded Tempus project is to strengthen the partnerships between universities and companies in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine by modernizing engineering education. This is done based on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, both through development of comprehensive knowledge and skills at higher education institutions and on the other hand by the development of modern methods of vocational education and training for adults directly in companies. 

Specific objectives

  • Development of a methodology to identify the needs of the labor market for knowledge and skills
  • Development of a learning program, which cross-divisional and electronic / alternative technologies includes using remote laboratories and virtual instrumentation
  • Promotion of sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships between universities and businesses by offering internships for universities and current training programs for industry

ICo-op begins with an analysis of the knowledge and skills gaps in technical curricula taking into account the needs of industry in Armenia , Georgia and Ukraine. 24 technical training modules are developed , the use of remote-controlled / virtual instrumentation and multidisciplinary competencies include . Eight universities and at least nine companies in the three target countries for a pilot participants from universities and enterprises is established. In this case, an internship program, and training for instructors and module developers will be integrated.

The project products are now offered during the project used to evaluate the strengths and the sustainability of the methodology can and to identify potential problems.

Roundtables, workshops and conferences will lead to the further dissemination
of the method in these countries. Reports, recommendations and information and
teaching materials will be provided online for free.

Quality Austria and ICo-op

Quality Austria has in this project, the quality assurance of the project over.

Other responsibilities include support of the universities in the target countries in the creation of three cross-divisional teaching modules. The results of the previous needs assessment are taken into account.

In December 2013 Dr. Anni Koubek of Quality Austria resulted in Yerevan/Armenia through a 3 day training for universities from Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine. Theme was " Improving the quality of learning services through management systems" based on ISO 29990 with special consideration of the competence of teaching ends, evaluation of the learning process and integration of management systems. The aim of the cross- training was to impart quality management methods, so that the management system frame for the reactions of training in the various institutions involved can be optimized. This guarantees optimal basis for the future development of innovative teaching methods , how they are implemented in the project subsequently.


ICo-op was initiated to equip students of engineering sciences in Armenia , Georgia and Ukraine with the necessary skills for a successful career. The program will build partnerships between universities and industry, the purpose is to modernize engineering education through direct access to high quality facilities with remote-control and virtual instrumentation. The program will focus on "best practices " on the part of the EU, industry expertise of the project partners and the unidentified needs of companies based in the target countries.

In all three countries ICo-op will help to expand the methodology and resources to improve students' competence required by the modern industry. The results of this project will bring about changes in the economy and education in the partner countries.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Igor Panin

General Manager QAC d.o.o. - Trening, sertifikacija i evaluacija

+381 11 380 71 60