
Quality Austria - Trainings, Zertifizierungs und Begutachtungs GmbH ("Quality Austria")

Zelinkagasse 10/3
A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 274 87 47
Fax: +43 1 274 87 47-100
E-Mail: office(at)

Purpose of the business
System certifications, evaluations, trainings

Authorized organs

General Manager Christoph Mondl

General Manager Dr. Werner Paar


  • Österreichische Vereinigung zur Förderung von Qualitäts- und Managementsystemen (ÖQS)
    Eigentums-, Beteiligungs-, Anteils- und Stimmrechtsverhältnis: 59%
    (purpose of the association)
  • Österreichische Vereinigung zur Qualitätssicherung (ÖVQ)
    Eigentums-, Beteiligungs-, Anteils- und Stimmrechtsverhältnis: 30%
    (purpose of the association)
  • Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung der Qualität (ÖQA)
    Eigentums-, Beteiligungs-, Anteils- und Stimmrechtsverhältnis: 8%
    (purpose of the association)
  • Austrian Foundation for Quality Management in Business Excellence (AFQM)
    Eigentums-, Beteiligungs-, Anteils- und Stimmrechtsverhältnis: 3%
    (purpose of the association)

Please find the ownership structure incl. executive board right here.

Company Register No. 234367 h Handelsgericht Wien
Behörde gemäß ECG: Magistratisches Bezirksamt für den I. Bezirk
Etwaige spezielle berufsrechtliche Vorschriften: Akkreditierungsgesetz 2012, BGBl. I Nr. 28/2012 abrufbar im Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes unter
DVR 0953067
Turnover Tax Identification Number ATU57217835
UniCredit Bank Austria AG
IBAN: AT91 1200 0506 7059 4501

Place of jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction is the technically competent court in Vienna.  

Contents of the publication
Information on the company, its services and products

The information on this website has been assembled diligently and is updated continuously. Nevertheless Quality Austria does not bear any liability for its correctness, completeness and currency. It is possible to access external websites, which are made available by third parties, via the hyperlinks placed on the qualityaustria website. Please note, that Quality Austria has no influence on the design and the contents of external websites. Therefore, Quality Austria does not assume any responsibility and liability for such contents.

Gender Disclaimer
Only for better readability we renounce to use gender-specific spelling. All terms and definitions within the qualityaustria website (and all related documents) are to be viewed in a gender-neutral manner in this respect.

Conceptual design, web design and technical implementation:

WESEO Internetagentur
T: +43 800 400 877 | E:

In cooperation with:

G.A. Service GmbH
T: +43 662 45 25 95 | E:

+381 11 380 71 60