The most important tools of quality assurance

Your training course - COMPACT

Our compact courses

In our compact course "Quality Management Representative - Compact" [BQBK-E] you will acquire basic knowledge about quality management and the most important tools of quality assurance in your respective field. If you would like to deepen you knowledge in the field of auditing, our complete course "Quality Management Representative and Internal Auditor - Compact" is the right choice for you. In this compact course participants will not only learn the content of the course BQBK-E (see above) but also about the basics of conducting internal audits, the contents of ISO 19011 and the fundamental audit principles.

English Offer

In order to provide our international costumers the opportunity to participate we created two courses held in English language. In just four days you will acquire basic knowledge about quality management and the most important tools of quality assurance in your respective field. The course will be concluded with an examination. In just one day you will obtain a solid know-how about conducting internal audits. 

Blended Learning

Quality Management Representative – Compact

Our Blended Learning course consists of an e-learning part and a face-to-face workshop day. It combines traditional in-class teaching units with modern forms of digital knowledge transfer. During this course you will gather knowledge in 7 online modules, complete a knowledge check at the end of each module and apply what you have learned by solving interactive exercises. The course concludes with a face-to-face workshop day, where participants will get the opportunity to discuss the elaborated exercises together with the trainer, ask questions, and check what they have learned by taking a multiple choice test.

Price: € 747,- (excl. VAT)

Complete course - One course, two certificates!

Quality Management Representative and Internal Auditor – Compact

In just five days participants will acquire basic knowledge about quality management and the most important tools of quality assurance in their respective field. Furthermore, they will learn about the basics of conducting internal audits, the contents of ISO 19011 and the fundamental audit principles. With successful completion of the examinations the candidates will receive the certificate Quality Management Representative - Compact and the certificate Internal Auditor - Compact and will enter the list of registered professionals on the IQNet Academy website.

Price: € 1.560,- (excl. VAT)

Naše grupe proizvoda

Za koju grupu proizvoda ste zainteresovani?

Integrisani sistem menadžmenta

Organizacije se sve više fokusiraju na integraciju.

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Sistemi menadžmenta kvalitetom poboljšavaju performanse.

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Životna sredina i energija

Promovisanje stalnog unapređenja životne sredine.

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Bezbednost i zdravlje na radu

Zdravlje i bezbednost na radu jačaju organizacije.

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Menadžment kvalitetom je apsolutna potreba u građevinarstvu.

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Javna administracija

Strateški faktor uspeha za javnu administraciju.

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Automobilska industrija

Defekti u automobilskoj industriji imaju ozbiljne posledice.

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Bezbednost hrane

Globalna tržišta i složeni proizvodi zahtevaju sigurnost uz pomoć standarda.

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Zdravstvene usluge i turizam

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Održavanje visokog nivoa bezbednosti.

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Rizik, sigurnost i usaglašenost

Predviđanje slučajnosti sa sistematskim pristupom.

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Učenje i obrazovanje

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Društvena odgovornost (CSR)

Društvena odgovornost je globalna tema.

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Six Sigma

Ostvarivanje dugoročnih perfomansi iznad očekivanja uz alate kvaliteta.

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Sigurnost informacija

Podrška sistemu menadžmenta sigurnosti informacija.

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